Mobile Phone or Toilets

This is such a frivolous issue, I ought not write anything, but, unfortunately, I am living in those times in India when common-sense has taken a back seat, and people of high repute are vying with each other to compare toilets with mobile phones. Isn’t it obvious that there should be more mobile phones than toilets?
— Mobiles are personal properties, toilets are shared, pretty often within the communities of 50-100 people or more.
— Mobiles cost as low as 500 bucks, toilets cost minimum of 50,000 bucks.
— Mobiles are user friendly, toilets demand maintenance.
— Mobiles can’t be replaced by natural alternatives, toilets indeed can be.
— Mobiles sound good unless some toilet freak uses fart as his ring tone — haven’t come across any till now, but, of course, I haven’t checked the ring tones of Modis, Gates, Ambanis, Tendulkars, Khans, Kapoors, Padukones, Bachchans, et al; don’t know the toilet obsession of people.

Incredible! People are comparing mobiles and toilets!

About the Author

Ankur Mutreja
Ankur Mutreja is an advocate-cum-writer, and his blogs are amongst his modes of expression. He has also authored number of books, which can be downloaded from the links on the top menu.

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