Those activist ex-cricketers who wish to find out the root cause of droughts in Maharashtra so that “Happywala India” may enjoy uninterrupted IPL in Maharashtra, may as well spend some time in Chattisgarh and Jharkhand to find the root cause of Naxal “terrorism”; in NE to find the root cause of alienation; in Kashmir to find the root cause of call for “azaadi“; in Haryana & Rajasthan to find the root cause of atrocities on women and Dalits; in UP to find the root cause of irrational police and societal violence; in Orrisa and Bundelkhand to find the root cause of unimaginable hunger; in Uttarkhand, Himachal and NE to find the root cause of institutionalized prostitution; in Punjab to find the root cause of drug abuse; in Bihar to find the root cause of illiteracy; in WB to find the root cause of political violence, in Gujarat and MP to find the root cause of ultra conservative jingoism; in Delhi to find the root cause of Pollution; in Dravidian land to find the root cause of color bias; so that the “Happywala India” may realize how much in minority they are!
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