Sex – Pornography – Prostitution – Homosexuality

radishIndulging in sexual activity, unless homosexual activity, means exploration of biological difference between men and women. This inquisitiveness is most visible during childhood, not adolescence because by then people know a lot already. The inquisitiveness of a child is obviously satisfied by a mere keen observation of body parts; if not, then it is satisfied in the teenage by watching sex videos, pictures, activities, etc. However, now the need to explore reaches a higher level where a person wants to actually experiment with the body of the other sex and wants to explore the possibility of his/her own body interacting with the body of the other sex. Humans, incidentally, also enjoy this activity of exploration and continue doing it throughout their lifetimes — there is a belief that all animals do likewise though no scientific conclusion has been reached though. One of the unintended ramification of this activity is reproduction — I am sure Adam and Eve would have never thought of reproduction. Since the religion per se is dogmatic and can’t allow exploration, the society, led by religion, accepted reproduction as the raison d’etre for sex; however, that doesn’t change anything; it doesn’t mean that the sex is only when a penis enters a vagina; it is a much wider activity and even includes masturbation; i.e., when a person does exploration by mental simulation without a sexual partner. I don’t think sex is a physiological need, not in women atleast; and, if in men it is so, it can be satisfied in wet dreams without any efforts.

Pornography is irrelevant. It only helps an uncreative person who, for whatever reasons, is unable to manage a sexual partner for experimentation. Pornography helps him in fantasizing and masturbation. Pornography has no more relevance. I don’t understand why pornography is so popular on internet. It means there is something seriously wrong with the society at large. To enjoy sexual activity a person only needs private time with a good partner, not pornography or, for that matter, “erotica”. However, I find that, because of internet and ease of technology, lots of illegal videos are being made of unwilling participants by infringing their privacy, many a times (or at all the times) with an objective of lowering their prestige and status in the society.

Prostitution is a very serious problem. It emerges in two cases. First, when a person takes the services of a prostitute for his inability to find a sexual partner — it is better than rape. Secondly, when a person takes the services of a prostitute for display of power — it is worse than rape. It is the second kind of prostitution which is disturbing. From the time immemorial, the powerful people have been propagating prostitution. Earlier, there were Kings; then, there were Military Generals; and, now, there are Corporates. Since women have always been socially weak in comparison to men, most prostitutes are women though, now with capitalism, men prostitutes are also available: capitalism has made it an industry. Incidentally, rapes also take place for the above two reasons with striking similarities; so, do we say that capitalism has made rape an industry?

I have no idea why people enter into homosexuality. It is definitely unnatural not only because they enter into experimentation with the same sex partners but also because they don’t do it out of inquisitiveness but plain pleasure; it may also be practiced by those who don’t have access to the partners of opposite sex to satisfy the biological need of the body to feel another body irrespective of sex, but, if it is so, then it is a very sorry state of the society — btw, homosexual behavior amongst animals is a rarity. Homosexuality is not a crime in Delhi anymore, so, though being unnatural, it is an acceptable behaviour.

©2012 Ankur Mutreja

About the Author

Ankur Mutreja
Ankur Mutreja is an advocate-cum-writer, and his blogs are amongst his modes of expression. He has also authored number of books, which can be downloaded from the links on the top menu.

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