Vast & Open

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On Cryptos

The first name that comes to mind when you think of cryptos is bitcoin, but the cryptos don’t start and end with bitcoin. The core idea of cryptos is distributed ledger, a database transcending proprietary servers. A database is a very boring but essential element of any computer system. The difference here is that the computer systems running on distributed ledgers extend beyond borders in a way that they can…

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It is now banal to call bitcoin the digital gold; however, the truth is far from it. bitcoin is the token used in Bitcoin, the blockchain, to pay transaction fees, and also it is mined by miners everytime they add a new block to the blockchain. Mining of bitcoin is not a necessity to run the blockchain. It is rather a reward for the miners for acting honest. At the…

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Terrorism Is Better

Elsewhere I have failed to recognise terrorism on more occasions than one; so, do I fail here as well. The use of the word “terrorism” here is a mere reflection on the aspirations of the civilized society as it exists today. Yes, it expects terrorism in some form or the other. Till I am able to satisfy this requirement of the society with another better name, let it be. Of…

Annapurna Circuit Trek: Fairy Tale of Love with Nature

“Annapurna Circuit Trek: Fairy Tale of Love with Nature” is a compilation of unforgettable memories of my unconsummated love affair with nature. You can call it a travelogue, but it’s more than that. A traveller visits a place and returns, but I have not yet returned. Though my body has pulled my mind towards Delhi, but the memories well crystallized inside the mind are making it wander even now. I…

Thanks to Article 370, Kashmir is Not Yet Independent

Adhir Ranjan Chaudhury has raised an important question in Lok Sabha: Is Kashmir an internal matter of India? The question has been raised in the context of the dispute raised by India before the United Nations, which makes Pakistan an interested party in Kashmir. This is indeed a factual position and the UN still monitors Kashmir. However, even if there was no involvement of the UN in Kashmir, it wouldn’t…

Karnataka Elections' Ramification for Left

Karnataka Elections’ Ramification for Left

The tweet by the Kerala tourism inviting Karnataka MLAs to Kochi resorts was witty indeed, but was it just witty or more than that? Kerala tourism deleted the tweet subsequently. Why? Some regional newspaper say the tweet was criticised as being in bad taste. I doubt it. All I know it garnered 10,000+ likes. Anyways, soon the Kochi resorts did become the political destinations of last resort. However, the bus…

Ethical Validity of Euthanasia Judgment

Ethical Validity of Euthanasia Judgment

The Supreme Court of India in it’s recent judgement in Common Cause has included the right to dignified death by withholding/withdrawing medical treatment in case of terminal illness requiring prolonged treatment or subjection to life support systems with incurability or no hope of curability, as part of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. The above exercise of choice to die is commonly known as passive euthanasia. Further, the Supreme Court…