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Politics of Violence

Th politics of violence was the easiest in the times of the kings and the feudal lords. The politics of violence is very easy to understand: Whoever has more power than others can and does use his resources illegally and/or immorally to frighten the logical side of the weak. The violence, therefore, need not necessarily be physical. It can take any form which can have the effect of frightening the…

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Indian Politics in Reference Anna Hazaare

Anna Hazaare is the most dangerous thing to have happened to Indian politics. He is a fake copy of Gandhi. I pity those people who become brands because they have no life of their own and are nothing more than just commodities. A human brand in politics is the worst. The brand Gandhi was managed by the Congress, who seem to have abandoned it now. And the Sangh Parivar seems…

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Scope for the Left in India: Indo-Anarchism

Recent debacle of the “left” in WB is politically very significant. The victory of Mamta Banerjee is reinforcement of the fact that voting in India is irrelevant as far as rational decision-making is concerned. This makes me partially believe in the allegations of Mamta Banerjee that the elections in the past were rigged in WB because I don’t see any reason for the newer generation of WB to be having…

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Defining Politics

To me, politics is intrinsically linked with power. Politics is inevitable whenever an individual interact with others or even otherwise. Power is the ability to act. Every individual has vested interest in acting. At the most basic level, a body needs to be active to survive, which also needs the power of limbs. Newborn children and infirms are dependent on others for even this basic an exercise of power. This…